Product Overview
This set includes:
- She'elos U'Tshuvos - Yoreh Deah
- She'elos U'Tshuvos - Even Haezer #1
- She'elos U'Tshuvos - Even Haezer #2
- She'elos U'Tshuvos - Choshen Mishpat
- Chidushim Al HaShas
- Piskei Dinim
- Maftechos
The set does NOT include She'elos U'Tshuvos Orach Chaim - 2 Volumes, these can be found elsewhere on this website.
These handsome, oversize volumes are newly typeset and revised. 4 volumes of responsa and Talmudic novellae of the Tzemach Tzedek, with an index volume. The Tzemach Tzedek's responsa include more than one thousand detailed answers to practical halachic (Jewish Law) questions, and are frequently cited by contemporary and later authorities from all rabbinic circles. A new and corrected edition, with many additions and corrections from unprinted manuscripts.
Published By: Kehot Publication Society
Format: 8½" x 11", Hardcover (7 Volumes)
Language: Hebrew